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Picture: The Cape Summer Season moves tomorrow to its flagship racecourse, Hollywoodbets Kenilworth (Cape Racing). 
The non-business orientated might have been left wondering lately what the difference is between Kenilworth Racing and Cape Racing.
The answer to that question is Kenilworth Racing and Cape Racing are simply the company name and the brand name respectively of the same entity.
Kenilworth Racing (PTY) Ltd was recently bought by bookmaking firm Hollywoodbets and GBM Investments, a private equity company headed by leading racehorse owner Greg Bortz. 
The complex deal was worth R330-million and has ultimately seen Bortz being installed as executive chairman of Kenilworth Racing, which manages racing in the Western Cape.
Kenilworth Racing owns Hollywoodbets Kenilworth and Hollywoodbets Durbanville as well as the Milnerton and Phillippi training centres.
Bortz explained that those four entities on their own were a bit limiting as a reference when compared to the goal of the company.
The current goal of Kenilworth racing is to uplift, rejuvenate and reinvigorate Cape racing in its entirety to a level where it a jurisdiction that has a local and international blend and becomes a focal point of SA racing.
Among other goals, Cape Racing aims to “weaponise” local trainers to make it easier for them to attract clients and they have various plans in place to increase the active racehorse population of the Western Cape, which will have various spinoff effects including driving betting turnover upward.  
Cape Racing is thus the all encompassing brand name used to drive the company Kenilworth Racing upward.